Often a creative project starts with a burst of enthusiasm but can easily become stalled or blocked and end up languishing on our desktop. What gets in the way of progressing with a writing project? From starting in the right place to mustering our flagging enthusiasm to ensuring our ambitions aren’t too big for our capacity to deliver, this workshop will consider the textual and physiological blocks we put in our own way to hamper our progress. Aimed at unsticking the stuck, countering procrastination and encouraging those whose enthusiasms are flagging, this masterclass will provide some creative strategies for moving forward with your work.
This live Zoom masterclass will be interactive masterclass, with author Julia Bell leading you through some writing exercises. To take part, you will need access to the internet at the time and date shown, and be able to receive a joining link by email. This will be sent to you the day before the workshop. This workshop will be recorded for the purpose of sending to ticket holders who can’t make the event, or who miss a portion of the event, or who need the recording as part of their access needs.
If you do not receive an invitation link, or if you have any other questions, please contact us at ennis@londonlitlab.co.uk.