Online Writing Course

Queer Words


Online // 

31st March 2021
 – 10th May 2021

Please note: this course has now sold out, but you can join the waiting list, or register your interest for a future rerun of the course, by emailing us at

The aim of this course is for us to consider, as LGBTQIA+ writers, what it means to tell our queer stories and how we might go about it. Whether you’re new to writing or a seasoned wordsmith, this six-week online course is designed to generate ideas and stories through a combination of writing exercises and readings/discussion of other queer narratives, by authors such as Maggie Nelson and Neil Bartlett.

Course outline

This course is six weeks long and asynchronous (so you can log in and add to the discussion whenever you want). Your course tutor, Jonathan Kemp, will upload a new assignment every two weeks. This will include extracts to read, teaching from Jonathan, and writing assignments. At the end of the course, Jonathan will provide detailed written feedback on a submission of up 2,000 words.

Course content

Structured around three primary writing tasks (beginning, middle, end), the module will allow writers to explore new narratives or work in progress. With additional focus on character, style and point of view, this is an opportunity for queer writers at any stage to flex their imagination and refine their storytelling. Through reading extracts from published authors to reading each other’s work, the discussions will also allow for detailed and considering learning.

Learning online

The course will take place online, in a closed group on a platform called Slack. You’ll need to have internet access on the dates above. Slack is easy to use, and we’ll provide you with full instructions and guidance before the course starts. On Slack, we won’t have scheduled live chats, but there will be plenty of opportunity to interact with Jonathan and the other course participants in discussion threads, throughout the six weeks.

Course tutor

Jonathan Kemp is the award-winning author of five books of both fiction and non-fiction, and has been teaching creative writing for twenty years. You can find out more about him here, and read some feedback from his workshop version of this course below.

Course dates

31st March 2021
 – 10th May 2021

Course location

This is an online course



Half-price place

There will be one half-price place (£67.50) available on this course, for a writer who needs it. If you would like to apply, please send a brief note to us at by 30th January 2021 explaining why it would benefit you. We’ll be in touch with successful applicants by 7th February.

Further Info

The course will run with a minimum of 8 participants and a maximum of 20.

Any questions at all, please drop us a line at and we’ll be happy to help!

About the tutor

Jonathan Kemp is the award-winning author of five books of both fiction and non-fiction, and has been teaching creative writing for twenty years. You can find out more about him here, and read some feedback from his workshop version of this course below.

Queer Words

Image © © Elly Clarke