Online Writing Course

Poetry for Prose Writers


Online // 

13th June 2023
 – 7th August 2023

Please note: this course has now sold out, but you can join the waiting list, or register your interest for a future rerun of the course, by emailing us at

Are you a writer of sentences who has been eyeing the line break? Someone who deals in paragraphs but wonders about verses, stanzas, end rhymes?

Does the word “poem” fill you both with excitement and trepidation as you wonder if you are, if you might be, if you’re allowed to…? Join Tania Hershman on the course she wishes she’d been offered as a short story writer tiptoeing towards poetry, wondering if she could…

As Tania herself learned, writing poetry doesn’t require special qualifications and extensive knowledge of potentially baffling poetic terms. Through reading and discussing poems from around the world and across time, in different forms, styles and genres, we’ll look not at what a poem must be, but everything it could be, to inspire you to take the word “poem” and make it your own.

This course will provide a safe and encouraging space to begin your journey into poetry. Through fortnightly writing assignments, we will explore what effect the shape of words on a page can have, the magic that the slicing of a line can perform, as well as playing with music, rhythm and breath and testing what writing a poem can give you permission you to let go of as well as encourage you to add. 

Course outline

  • Three assignments, including reading material, discussion prompts and writing exercises
  • Encouragement to share your work but no formal feedback requirement on exercises
  • Detailed written feedback from the course tutor on a final submission
  • Optional Zoom writing sessions with Tania (running twice)
  • An online writing community, lasting beyond the end of the course

This course is eight weeks long and asynchronous (so you can log in and add to the discussion whenever you want). There are weekly ‘windows’ of when you should read assignments, join in discussion of the reading and writing exercises, and share your work if you would like to.

Course timetable and content

Across the three assignments, we will feel and turn the word “poem” over and around, looking at short and longer poems in order to demystify the ingredients that combine to produce something we allow ourselves to call “poetry”.

Week 1 (June 13th): Assignment 1 – the joys of the line break

Week 2 (June 20th): time to read, write, discuss and share your work

Week 3 (June 27th): Assignment 2 – rhymes, half-rhymes and no rhymes

Week 4 (July 4th): time to read, write, discuss and share your work

Week 5 (July 11th): Assignment 3 – the shape of your words

Week 6 (July 18th): time to read, write, discuss and share your work

Week 7 (July 25th): finsh and submit a final piece to Tania for feedback

Week 8 (August 1st): receive detailed written feedback from Tania on your submission

Tania will schedule the live Zoom writing sessions when the course starts, to accommodate time zones across the group.


Time commitment

You can work through the material and do writing exercises at your own pace. To help with your planning, we suggest you allow a minimum of three hours for each lesson/assignment, and a little extra for optional recommended reading.

Learning online

The course will take place online, in a closed group on a platform called Slack. You’ll need to have internet access but not at set times – you can log in and join the discussion whenever you like. Slack is easy to use, and we’ll provide you with full instructions and guidance before the course starts. On Slack, we won’t have scheduled live chats (except for the optional Zoom sessions), but there will be plenty of opportunity to interact with Tania and the other course participants in discussion threads, throughout the eight weeks.

Course dates

13th June 2023
 – 7th August 2023

Course location

This is an online course



Half-price place

There will be one free place available on this course, and one place at half price (£87.50), for a writer who needs it. If you would like to apply for either of these, please send a brief note to us at by 12th May explaining why it would benefit you. We’ll be in touch with successful applicants by 19th May.

Further Info

The course will run with a minimum of 8 participants and a maximum of 16. Any questions at all, please drop us a line at and we’ll be happy to help!

About the tutor

Tania Hershman’s second poetry collection, Still Life With Octopus, was published by Nine Arches Press in July 2022 and her debut hybrid novel, Go On, a “fictional-memoir-in-collage”, was published by Broken Sleep Books in Nov 2022. Tania is Arvon’s writer-in-residence for Winter 22/23, and is the editor of Fuel: An Anthology of Prize-Winning Flash Fictions Raising Funds to Fight Fuel Poverty, forthcoming in Feb 2023. Her poetry pamphlet, How High Did She Fly, was joint winner of Live Canon’s 2019 Poetry Pamphlet Competition and her hybrid particle-physics-inspired book ‘and what if we were all allowed to disappear’ was published by Guillemot Press in March 2020. Tania is also the author of a poetry collection, a poetry chapbook and three short story collections, and co-author of Writing Short Stories: A Writers’ & Artists’ Companion (Bloomsbury, 2014). She is co-creator of the @OnThisDayShe Twitter account, co-author of the On This Day She book (John Blake, 2021), and has a PhD in creative writing inspired by particle physics. You can learn more about Tania here.

Poetry for Prose Writers

Image © Naomi Waddis